who is charlotte?

When asked by the designers of this website to write a narrative describing myself, the titles psychic, clairvoyant, medium, and healing intuitive came to mind, as these seem to be the ones most used and understood by our society. It’s true, I do possess these amazing gifts, but my “instructions” from Spirit have been very specific. I am to be called a “spiritual healer.” I am also a Christian.


Early in my life I knew something was different for me—different in the way I saw things, the way I felt about people, and the way I lived life. As a child I possessed an uncanny “knowing” about people and circumstances. 

As I matured, I had “visions,” I saw “people,” and I heard “voices.” I never told anyone of my experiences for fear of being thought of as a crackpot, being accused of making things up and, most importantly, I feared religious ridicule since I was a Christian. My Christian relatives would have told me I was going straight to hell, therefore I lived in turmoil and contradiction.

Later in life my spirit guides came to me more and more frequently and taught me that I was neither crazy nor afflicted. Instead I came to know and understand that I was blessed with “special” gifts since birth. I was finally given messages that explained my lifetime of pain and told I had to “experience” pain and suffering before I could help “heal” the pain and suffering of others. With messages from Spirit, my spirit guides, and occasional visitors to my visions, I began to understand and realize my life’s path.

charlotte’s credentials

I am an ordained metaphysical minister, and a metaphysical practitioner certified to engage in the treatment of physical and mental ailments and conditions through the use of Spiritual Mind Treatment. I hold a B.Msc. degree from the University of Sedona.

I am a spiritual healing intuitive and have used my gifts of Intuition/Psychic, Mediumship, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience in Holistic Spiritual Counseling and Vibrational Healing for over two decades. I am a Tera-Mai Reiki Master and a Tera-Mai Seichem Master.

Regardless of my studies, my gifts are simply derived from one source--God.